challenge_led 3


The NorthSec 2023 CTF (Tie) Badge is an Xtensa ESP32 based system. How to reverse that is covered in the Intro.

How to find the function of interest is covered in challenge_led 1.

Running the challenge and looking at the LEDs with our eyes, we can note some basic facts:

  • There are four groups of LEDs, flickering green/red
  • First group is probably data?
  • Second is clock
  • (2 LED gap)
  • A line that’s usually green with rare red pulses. Return?
  • solid green.


Once again we have a long linear function that calls a group of functions many times. However, this time the functions are all very similar, and all call out to sub_40105794. Let us consider the first. It is called like this:

.flash.text:4010D259                 mov.n   a10, a3         ; Move a 32-bit register to a register
.flash.text:4010D25B                 call8   sub_4010D100    ; Call subroutine: PC-relative: rotate window by 8

And the code is like this:

.flash.text:4010D100 sub_4010D100:                           ; CODE XREF: sub_4010D1FC+3F↓p
.flash.text:4010D100                                         ; sub_4010D1FC+5F↓p ...
.flash.text:4010D100                 entry   a1, 0x20 ; ' '  ; Subroutine entry
.flash.text:4010D103                 movi.n  a8, 0           ; Move a 12-bit immediate to a register
.flash.text:4010D105                 movi    a9, -0x80       ; Move a 12-bit immediate to a register
.flash.text:4010D108                 l32r    a10, dword_40105928 ; 32-bit load PC-relative (16-bit negative word offset)
.flash.text:4010D10B                 s8i     a8, a2, 0       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D10E                 s8i     a9, a2, 1       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D111                 s8i     a8, a2, 2       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D114                 s8i     a8, a2, 3       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D117                 s8i     a9, a2, 4       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D11A                 s8i     a8, a2, 5       ; 8-bit store (8-bit offset)
.flash.text:4010D11D                 call8   sub_40105794    ; Call subroutine: PC-relative: rotate window by 8
.flash.text:4010D120                 retw.n                  ; Windowed Return
.flash.text:4010D120 ; End of function sub_4010D100
  • On entry, the registers are shifted. So what was a10 is now a2
  • s8i a8, a2, 0 means “store a8 at a2[0]. a2 is an array. And we’re storing 0x80 to it.
  • This function stores 00 80 00 00 80 00, which looks a lot like RGB->Green.
  • sub_4010D124 is nearly identical, but a9 is 0xFF, and the pattern differs…
  • Yep, it stores ff 00 00 ff 00 00. Aka RGB->Red.

Final Tally:

sub_4010D100301a2[0]00 80 00 00 80 00 Green
sub_4010D124383a2[0]ff 00 00 ff 00 00 Red
sub_4010D148576a2[6]00 80 00 00 80 00 Green
sub_4010D16C547a2[6]ff 00 00 ff 00 00 Red
sub_4010D19060a2[24]00 80 00 00 80 00 Green
sub_4010D1B458a2[24]ff 00 00 ff 00 00 Red
sub_4010D1D82a2[30]00 80 00 00 80 00 Green


This matches expectation. We have a data line, a clock line, a rarely-used line, and a always-green line. We don’t know why the clock line doesn’t go Red as often as Green. But it’s time to parse this.

[0] pry(main)> lines ='challenge_3.txt');
lines.each do |line|
    case line
    when /l32r    a8, .*_40105940/; out << nibble
    when /sub_4010D100/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<0)) | (0<<0)
    when /sub_4010D124/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<0)) | (1<<0)
    when /sub_4010D148/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<1)) | (0<<1)
    when /sub_4010D16C/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<1)) | (1<<1)
    when /sub_4010D190/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<2)) | (0<<2)
    when /sub_4010D1B4/; nibble = (nibble & ~(1<<2)) | (1<<2)

This does produce data, but it’s even weirder than before. Fiddling finds a width of 39 revealing. It doesn’t work well at the start, but does at the end:

[28] pry(main)> out.join.scan(/.{39}/).map{|line| line.gsub(/57/,'.57.')}
=> ["00031313130202130213.57.13021313130202135",


  • clear even-odd alternation pattern, that’s the clock
    • 571 breaks that pattern, it occurs regularly
  • That 571 pattern looks important, filter out the clock and resync on it:


[36] pry(main)> packets = out.join.gsub(/[2367]/,'').scan(/[^5]*5/)
=> ["00111001015", "101110015",
    "10111001015", "101001115",
    "10101101015", "101001015",
    "10111001015", "110010105",
    "10101101015", "101100005",
    "10111001015", "101100005",
    "10101101015", "101111105",
    "10111001015", "110010005",
    "10101101015", "101100005",
    "10111001015", "101100115",
    "10101101015", "101100115",
    "10111001015", "101110005",
    "10101101015", "101010015",
    "10111001015", "101111105",
    "10101101015", "101001015",
    "10111001015", "101110015",
    "10101101015", "101011115",
    "10111001015", "101110005",
    "10101101015", "101100015",
    "10111001015", "110010015",
    "10101101015", "101101015",
    "10111001015", "101111015",
    "10101101015", "101101115",
    "10111001015", "101100105",
    "10101101015", "101001115"]
  • (output reformatted and leading/trailing 0s removed)
  • The first part is 11 bits, the second part is 9, including 5.
  • What is being sent alternates between 10111001015, and 10101101015. Boring.
  • Reply looks like a byte.
[51] pry(main)>{|packet| packet.length==9}.map{|x| x[0,8].tr('01','10').to_i(2).chr}.join